1. Start at Lakes and Ponds
Get started fishing in lakes and ponds for grass carp. The grass carp is a non-native species that was imported from Asia to the United States. They were brought to control the development of sea-going plants in supplies, fish ranches, and different regions.
2. Use Fast Action Rods
Our top recommendations for those of you needing new equipment.
A 7-foot, medium-heavy, fast-action rod is recommended. It gives you the sensitivity you need to feel the grass carp’s bite. Moreover, utilize a medium turning reel with a medium stuff proportion. To allow the fish to run without breaking the line, maintain a loose drag.
3. Chumming

Our recommendation – Mojo Fish Chum
Make use of chumming. Around 4 days before you go out to fish a region, toss corn in the shallows of the water to draw in the grass carp. The fish will search for more corn in that area. On the day you fish the water, grass carp will be anticipating more corn in that area.
4. Spool the Reel
Assuming there is any opposition, grass carp will drop the lure. Allow the line to stay slack until they eat the trap, then, at that point, gradually reel the leeway in and set the snare.
5. Walk Lightly on Banks
Grass carps are careful and can without much of a stretch be scared. They can see outside the water and are exceptionally dubious of development or sound.
Walk and talk unobtrusively and delicately as you approach the stream. Dress in hues that complement the area. Cast lightly as well. A BB split shot or slip sinker is the most ideal choice.
6. Stalk Them

You can stalk the fish if the water in the pond or lake is clear enough to see them taking the bait. You should also check on “How to Catch Grass Carp in A Pond?” by Charles Rushin for more information if needed.
7. Timing the Fish

The best time to fish for grass carp is when the sun is overhead, and the water is warm. They will move to the top to track down something to eat or simply partake in the warm climate.
8. Anticipate a Vicious Fighter

Keep your cool and stay alert. Grass carp will set up a horrendous battle when it understands it is hoked. You ought to simply stay cool and purchase for time so it breaks itself down.
For this reason, quality hardware is so significant for grass carp fishing. Check to see that there isn’t a vent for it to use. Keep a strong grasp and continue to watch it. At the point when it gets worn out, get your net and get it.
9. Project Cautiously
Project cautiously. Cast slowly and gently to avoid a significant splash. Do not reel quickly or cause any other water disturbance. If you’re new to casting, practice it until you’re comfortable with it.
10. Be patient!

Patience is essential. Fishing for grass carp requires patience on your part. You will need to wait a while for them to relax and regain their composure if they become scared. Even if they are hungry, they won’t rush to your bait when you put it out there. Before taking a bite, they will check it out by observing, sniffing, and observing. Stay cool and show restraint.
If you found this helpful and want to learn more, you can also check on How To Catch Grass Carp, a well written article that you would find helpful.