How to Catch Sauger

Fun Fact: The word ‘sauger’ is a German word which signifies ‘fish’. The sauger is a freshwater fish having a place with the carp family. It has been tracked down in the waterways of Europe, Asia and Africa.

The Sauger has a typical length of around 6 inches and a typical load of around 1 pound. They have a round body shape with no unmistakable head or tail. They have two dorsal blades on their back and one butt-centric balance on their base side.

Before getting into it, the picture below shows you what they should look like, and you can check out How to Identify a Sauger for more information especially if you are a beginner!

A picture of a sauger fish being held by a man

1. Deep and Slow-Moving Bodies of Water

Slow moving waters are favorites of saugers. Additionally, they can be found in reservoirs and lakes. Because they migrate, saugers can be found in a variety of habitats. Check on How To Catch Sauger for more information on Sauger fishes.

2. Lure Color

The color of the lure you use is determined by the water in which you are fishing. In clear water, use spinners or lures with bright colors, while in murky waters, use lures or spinners with darker colors. Personally, talking about colorful lures, I usually go for the Colorful XBLACK Hard Fishing Lure Set or the Mixed Colorful Aorace Fishing Lures Kit which comes in a variety of colors and designs, let the fishes be amazed!

A picture of various fishing lures in different colors

3. Scents and Saugers

Saugers are extremely sensitive to scents, particularly pheromones that attract females during mating season. Therefore, if you use scents, don’t use them too much. The sauger will be put off by it.

4. Best Time to Fish

Early in the morning or late at night can be good times to fish for saugers. Saugers approach the shore to take care of during early mornings or late nights. You can check on Best fishing times: when is the best time to go fishing for maximum success on what time you should go look for the fishes.

5. Saugers and the Bottom

In some places, the sauger tends to stay close to the bottom. You will need to lower your lure so that it reaches them. Simply apply pressure to the bottom for a few seconds. Then, pull slowly to entice the sauger to follow and eat. If you move it too quickly, you might not get bit.

6. Go With a Medium-weight Tackle

Saugers are not as aggressive or active as other species like bass. Additionally, for optimal line control, select an average action 7- to 9-foot rod and reel combination. Depending on how deep you plan to fish, choose a fishing line with a test close to 10 lbs. As mentioned in most of my fishing-related articles, it’s better to get a set of fishing baits/lures/jigs like the 102 Piece PLUSINNO Fishing Lures Baits which is what I started out with and still am using.

Technique on Catching Sauger

7. Getting Saugers’ Attention

The best method for attracting saugers’ attention is to use spinnerbaits or other flashy lures because they prefer to follow an object. If you want to catch saugers with just a spinning lure, use one with three “spinners.” I would recommend getting the BOOYAH Small Water Spinner Pond Magic which is a single spinning lure or the 6 Piece FISHER Bass Spinner Baits which offers variety, this is perhaps better if you want to experiment on the best spinners that attract fishes.

8. No Luck at All?

Try float fishing, spin casting, or spinner baiting if you haven’t been successful with bait or lures for catching saugers. To determine which approach to take, you must take into account how aggressive and active a sauger is. You can also check on Sauger Fishing Guide — How to Catch Sander canadensis to get additional tips here that I might have not mentioned.

9. Saugers in The Summer

During the summer, deer waters are a good place to look for saugers. Look for saugers near deep gravel bars and holes away from the shore in the early summer. Saugers can be found downstream from tailwaters near drop-offs and holes near confluences at the end of the summer.

10. When Do Saugers Spawn?

The spawning season for saugers is spring. They can be found downstream of dams and lock walls in gravel or sandbars upstream. Additionally, they can be found in the vicinity of rocks, debris, and eddies.


A large sauger fish being held by a man by the river

Knowing what you know now about Sauger fishes, they also have a light, delicate flavor that makes them perfect for many dishes. Sauger fishes are often used as an alternative to more expensive types of fish, such as salmon or trout. This is due to the fact that Sauger fishes are high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

They are also simple to make and cook, which makes them perfect for busy families who want to eat delicious meals without spending too much time in the kitchen. Sauger fishes can be used in a wide range of recipes for both everyday meals and special occasions due to their mild flavor and adaptability.

My top suggestion is to fry them, and you can check out Deep-Fried Sauger with Honey Mustard Sauce if you are looking to chef-it-up in the kitchen for the whole family. Be sure to check on 10 Trout Fishing Tips if you’re looking to hunt for Trout in the coming season too.