The “Three” Rule of Survival – A Crucial Survival Guide
The “3” rule of survival or “3s of survival” is the essentially a guideline on how to survive in harsh conditions without our most basic needs which are air, water, food and shelter.
Because we live life daily with all of these present, we sometimes neglect the importance of these things which we should prepare for in situations which we may not want to be in.

In an emergency, these necessities become absolutely necessary for our survival. This is where the Rule of Three comes into play, which is a fundamental rule that tells you how long you can live without these necessities.
When you are stranded or lost without access to basic resources for example, when you are out hunting, this rule is especially helpful. In a survival situation, the Rule of Three can possibly save your life so stay tuned!
So, exactly what are the Rule of “3”?
The Rule of Three states:
- You can live for 3 minutes without air or in frigid circumstances
- You can live for 3 hours in unforgiving conditions
- You can live for 3 days without water
- You can live 3 days without food
We shall expound on every one of these rules and what they mean for your survival below.
We Can Survive 3 Minutes without Air

Air is fundamental for human endurance – we can’t survive without it for in excess of a couple of moments. In a crisis circumstance, the accessibility of air can be compromised, either because of an absence of oxygen or openness to harmful gases.
It’s critical to act quickly if you find yourself in a situation where you’re having trouble breathing.
Utilizing a breathing apparatus if one is available or locating a source of fresh air, such as opening a window or moving to a higher elevation, may be necessary for this.
In any case, your top priority should be to keep an open and clear airway.
The time limit of three minutes is especially important in icy conditions. Hypothermia, a condition that can quickly become life-threatening, can result from being in cold air.
It is essential to seek shelter and warm clothing as soon as possible in extremely cold weather.
We Can Survive 3 Hours in Harsh Environments

Harsh environments can take many forms, including high altitudes, rough terrain, extreme heat, and freezing cold. In these circumstances, you must immediately seek shelter and take precautions against the elements.
For instance, the body can quickly become dehydrated and overheat in extreme heat, resulting in heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Finding shade, staying hydrated, and cooling down your body by wetting your skin or clothing are all essential in these conditions.
If you are not properly protected, hypothermia can quickly develop in cold environments. Therefore, it is essential to seek shelter as soon as possible and to dress in warm, insulating clothing.
If you don’t have a source to create a fire, check on 6 Ways to Start a Fire from Scratch to learn some neat tricks on how you could – from scratch.
It is essential to either construct a snow shelter or locate a natural shelter, such as a cave, in the event that you find yourself stranded during a snowstorm.
Consider also investing in a good knife for your outdoor adventure or just for unexpected circumstances.
These two below are just under $20 and could potentially save your life. They are sharp, big enough to use for survival circumstances but small enough for storage and carry. Check them out:
You can also check on the 3.5 RazorLite EDC Replaceable Blade Carry Knife which comes with a review from
We Can Survive 3 Days without Water
The third piece of the Standard of 3’s underlines the significance of tracking down a protected wellspring of water.
We can’t survive for more than a few days without water, and drinking contaminated water can cause serious illness and even death. Water is essential to human survival.
As a result, once you have located a source of water, it is essential to purify it to get rid of any harmful contaminants. This can be achieved through bubbling, which kills microorganisms and infections, or through sifting or substance treatment.
While searching for water, it’s vital to focus on sources like streams, streams, or lakes. Rainwater or condensation from plants can also be collected.
Drying out can set in rapidly on the off chance that you don’t approach water, prompting side effects like migraines, unsteadiness, and weariness. In extreme cases, lack of hydration can prompt organ shutdown and death.
In a survival situation, therefore, finding water must come first.
We strongly suggest that you get a Straw Water Filter from Membrane Solutions. Check what they do:
We Can Survive 3 Weeks Without Food
According to the Rule of Three, finding food should be your last priority because you can live on it for up to three weeks. However, it is not a good idea to go a long time without eating.
Instead, you should always make it a priority to find nutritious foods whenever you can. If you are a hunter and you are stranded out in the wild, use the equipment that you brought with you whether it be your compound bows, knives or rifles.
You can keep yourself nourished and healthy by learning how to hunt, fish, or forage for wild edibles and prepare them for consumption.
Finding food in the wild can be testing, however it’s conceivable with the right information and abilities. It is crucial to know which plants are safe to eat and how to prepare them when looking for wild edibles.
Dandelion, wild berries, and cattails are some common edible plants.
Here are some pictures of the plants that you can eat because you probably won’t have them labelled out there in the wild:

On the other hand, you should stay away from any plants you are unsure of because some of them can be toxic and cause illness or even death.
If you plan to hunt or fish for food, you need the right gear and know how to catch and cook food safely and effectively. If you are fortunate enough to have them with you, this may entail using hunting and fishing equipment as well as traps and snares.
It’s likewise essential to think about how to appropriately set up your food for consumption, which can include cooking, smoking, or drying it to protect it for longer periods.
This can help with keeping the risk of poisoning from eating crude or inappropriately pre-cooked food. Naturally, your decision regarding how to prepare your food will always be contingent on the circumstances.
For instance, should you cook the food now so that it can be eaten, or should you smoke it so that it can still be eaten days later?
Malnutrition, weakness, and impaired cognitive function are all possible outcomes of prolonged food deprivation. In a survival situation, it is essential to regularly consume small amounts of food to maintain your energy levels.
Indeed, even a small bunch of pine nuts or a piece of wild fruit can assist with keeping your energy levels up.
Planning for The Worst-Case Scenario
While it’s difficult to foresee when a survival circumstance might occur, there are steps you can take to get ready for such an occasion. Here are a few steps to remember:
- Gather knowledge: When it comes to surviving in the wilderness, knowledge is power. To prepare yourself for potential emergencies, take courses or read books on wilderness first aid and survival methods. Learn how to build a fire, for instance, in both dry and wet conditions. Learn how to make shelters or weapons by tying various knots. Learn how to navigate on land. Take a course in first aid. Learn how to get, filter, and clean water. You are advised to check on sites like which is a site that covers reviews of all the products you may possibly have so you can make a more informed choice when purchasing your survival equipment.
- Packing the basics: Always carry the fundamental items, for example, a decent fixed-sharp edge camp blade, a guide of the area you’re visiting, a compass, spotlight with additional batteries, a lighter/fire strike and kindling, some rope or paracord and an emergency treatment unit.
- Along with appropriate clothing and shelter, such as rain gear, a jacket or coat, a toboggan, gloves, a sleeping bag, and a small tent or tarp in a backpack, you should also bring enough water and food to last you at least a day. In addition, bring a phone that is fully charged. Even though it is impossible to predict whether or not you will have cell service, you may be able to send a single text message for assistance.
- Making your plans known: Always inform someone of your destination and expected return date. In the event of an emergency, this can assist rescue teams in finding you.
- Remaining calm: Keeping a positive attitude and remaining calm can help you make better decisions and improve your chances of survival in any survival situation.
Final Thoughts
The Standard of 3’s is an essential rule for survival in crisis circumstances. Understanding these guidelines can help you prioritize your actions and possibly save your life, even though there is no hard and fast rule.
Keep in mind that maintaining composure and clear thinking is essential in any survival scenario.