Review of the 5 best Compound Bows today

1. Bear Archery Brave Bow Set

Key Specifications
Draw length range: 13.5-19.5″
Draw weight: 15-25 pounds
Overall length: 26″
Brace height: 5.5″
Colours: Black, Green, Orange, Premium Black, Purple and APG Camo
Comes with: Whisker biscuit arrow rest, a 1-pin sight, a finger roller, arrow quivers and two safety glass arrows!
Firstly, this compound bow has a really beautiful build and comes in 5 different colors which would offer each one of you a chance to be stylish while using it.
An important aspect of this compound bow is the fact that it is suitable for youths which is evident from the weight of the bow which is relatively lighter than most bows that you see in the market today.
If you don’t already know this, Bear Archery is a renowned brand which has been in the industry now for over 85 years now and this should assure you that the bow which is received is one that is well designed and manufactured with precision.
2. Sanlida Archery Dragon X8

Key Specifications
Draw length range: 18″-31″
Draw weight: 0-70lbs
Overall length: 30 inches
Brace height: 6.6 inches
Comes with: A 5-pin sight, arrow rest and stabilizer.
This one would be distinguished from the one that we have seen above, being one that is more suited for adults than youths. An important aspect of this bow would be the price which is offered for it, very affordable and well within the budget of most hunters.
It would be recommended to those of you who are new to the sport and is intending to purchase a bow which costs a little lesser but still performs really well. Whatever it is, safety comes first when dealing with equipment like this and it is not compromised by its price.

The bow is made out of 100% CNC machined cams and modules with the 6061 T6 aluminum which is standard industry material that you would usually find in compound bows.
It also comes with an aluminum bow riser and bow strings. If you purchase this bad boy from an online store, it would be much cheaper than you would find from a store near you. Expect a packaging which is 36.5 x 14 x 4 inches with a weight of 3.8 pounds.
Overall, this bow would be more suited for adults who are new to the sport and is looking to make a relatively smaller investment.
3. Bear Archery Cruzer G2

Key Specifications
Draw length range: 12-30″
Draw weight: 5-70lbs
Overall length: 30 inches
Brace height: 6.1 inches
Comes with: Sight, whisker biscuit, quiver, stabilizer, peep sight and nock loop
Ahh, the Cruzer G2, if there was one word I’d use to describe this product, I’ll say versatile. With the first one being suitable for children and the second one for adults, the G2 allows for both these people to hunt with it. The bow is adjustable to accommodate both adults and children due to its technology and customization.
It is a really light bow, coming at only 3 pound, it is versatile and easy to use in every way. You would not need to use a bow press for the G2, all adjustments can be made using an Allen wrench which means that things just got way easier!
What I love about this bow has to be the customization, you can purchase one suited for your dexterity AND provides you with 7 colors to choose from which are namely Realtree Edge(from the picture), Moonshine Undertow, Moonshine Wildfire and TrueTimber Kanati to mention a few.
To check out the rest of the colours, just go and see it on Amazon itself here. All in all, really worth your money, it comes with so many additional accessories which the other bows on the list do not come with like the whisker biscuit and peep sight. Definitely a bang for your buck even with a steeper price, they are available on online stores which would be much easier to purchase (and cheaper!).
4. PANDARUS Compound Bow Set

Key Specifications
Draw length range: 19″-28″
Draw weight: 15-29lbs
Overall length: 27 inches
Brace height: 6 inches
Comes with: Brenches, Bow Sight, Arrow Rest, Arrow Quiver, Arrows(12), Arm Guard and a target paper!
If you take a read at the accessories that comes with it, you would be able to tell that this one is for the beginners of the hunting world, if you’re a seasoned hunter and well experienced/older then this is not for you! This should be the gateway equipment for our future hunters, start them young!
This bow by Pandarus seriously has it all, it comes with a really really low price, with a complete set of accessory for practice, guards etc and is so light, parents, if you’re looking for something affordable for your kid and you know they might potentially drop it a few times(which happens) then this is the way-to-go.
The bow is adjustable both in terms of draw weight and draw length without the need of using a bow press. This one by Pandarus is made out of Engineering Plastic PA66 which is a strong plastic material which naturally means that it is durable and safe for use around kids, dropping it wont cause dents and serious damages.
Not to mention that they are available in red, green, blue, black and pink offering a little bit for everyone who wants to start with their very first compound bow whether be for hunting or practice/as a hobby. They are actually available on Amazon as I am writing this and you can check the colours and specs out for yourself here.
5. Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro(Package)

Key Specifications
Draw length range: 13″-31″
Draw weight: 5-70lbs
Overall length: 31 inches
Brace height: 7 inches
Comes with: –
If you’re looking for a high quality, versatile, feature packed bow, the Infinite Edge Pro is the perfect fit. Building off Diamond’s best-selling bow of all time, the Infinite Edge pulled out all the stops with the Infinite Edge Pro. They extended the draw length to 31″, allowing for a whole new category of shooters with longer draws.
They also completely redesigned the cam system, creating a flawlessly smooth draw cycle. Then they added a solid back wall to give this bow yet another edge over the competition. And finally, they added a stabilizer for perfect balance, making the Infinite Edge Pro ready for anything.
That basically wraps up the bow itself from the point of view of manufacturing but in terms of comparison, you can see that as compared to all the other bows offered by Infinite Edge, this bow is the BEST SELLING bow you can find online or at the store near you wherever you are(in the USA).
Along with the other 6 compound bows created by Infinite Edge, this was chosen to be on the top 5 list due to its over-the-top quality and specs.
They say best for last for a reason there, this one is nothing short of perfect, if you are an experienced hunter which is what this bow was designed to do, think less and get yours today, this bow comes with extreme adjustability of 5-70lbs and not to mention their redesigned cam system which does provide a flawlessly smooth draw.
This bow comes however with only 3 colors which are namely: Mossy Oak Country, Black Ops and finally Pink Blaze(something for the ladies too?). Not to mention that if you are to purchase it online, say on Amazon, you’ll also be given the option of purchasing a right-handed or left-handed bow, everyone gets to enjoy this one!
The bows that have been listed above are the ones that are best suited for each of the categories. They have undergone rigorous research and comparisons to be listed above, if you feel like you think they are not as good as is stated, do let me know in the comment section below and we will try better next time to come up with products that are more accurate in their ratings. We want to do the best and we would be happy if you guys could help us with it. Regardless, the choice is yours, get the bow you love and get those bucks for the next hunting season!