The process for obtaining a hunting license in the United States varies from state to state, as each state has its own wildlife agency or department of natural resources that oversees hunting regulations.
Alabama Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website at | Outdoor Alabama.
- Review the available hunting licenses, including resident, non-resident, and youth options.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and any additional tags or permits online.
Alaska Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website at Home Page, Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
- Choose your hunting license type based on residency and age.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Apply for big game drawing permits if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or through approved vendors.
Arizona Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Arizona Game and Fish Department website at Homepage – Arizona Game & Fish Department (azgfd.com).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete the hunter education requirement.
- Apply for controlled hunt permits if needed.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online.
Arkansas Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission website at Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (agfc.com).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and any additional permits online.
California Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website at California Department of Fish and Wildlife Home Page.
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license online or from authorized retailers.
Colorado Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website at Colorado Parks & Wildlife – Buy Hunting Licenses (state.co.us).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Apply for limited-license species drawing if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license, habitat stamp, and preference points online.
Connecticut Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection website at Permits and Licenses (ct.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Complete the hunter safety requirement if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license online or from authorized agents.
Delaware Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife website at Licenses and Permits – DNREC Alpha (delaware.gov).
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional stamps or permits.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license online or from authorized retailers.
Florida Hunting License Procedure:

- Visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website at Licenses and Permits | FWC (myfwc.com).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved vendors.
Georgia Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Georgia Department of Natural Resources website at Licenses | Department Of Natural Resources Division (gadnr.org).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved agents.
Hawaii Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources website at Department of Land and Natural Resources | Online Services (hawaii.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Familiarize yourself with hunting areas and seasons.
- Apply for hunting permits if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license online or from authorized vendors.
Idaho Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Idaho Department of Fish and Game website at Licenses, tags, and permits | Idaho Fish and Game.
- Choose your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Apply for controlled hunts if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license and tags online or from approved outlets.
Illinois Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website at License Sales, Vendors and Information (illinois.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Indiana Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Indiana Department of Natural Resources website at DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Licenses & Permits (in.gov).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Iowa Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Iowa Department of Natural Resources website at Iowa Hunting Licenses & Regulations (iowadnr.gov).
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Kansas Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism website at License/Permits / KDWP – KDWP (ksoutdoors.com).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved agents.
Kentucky Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources website at Microsoft (ky.gov).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and hunting preferences.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized retailers.
Louisiana Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website at Licenses and Permits | Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved vendors.
Maine Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website at Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species you intend to hunt.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Maryland Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website at Hunting in Maryland.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and hunting preferences.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Massachusetts Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife website at Division of Fisheries and Wildlife | Mass.gov.
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Michigan Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Michigan Department of Natural Resources website at Hunting (michigan.gov).
- Choose your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Minnesota Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website at Licenses, permits, regulations | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Mississippi Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks website at MDWFP – License.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and hunting preferences.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Missouri Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Missouri Department of Conservation website at Permits | Missouri Department of Conservation (mo.gov).
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Montana Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks website at Buy And Apply | Montana FWP (mt.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Nebraska Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission website at outdoornebraska.gov.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved vendors.
Nevada Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Nevada Department of Wildlife website at Apply & Buy – Nevada Hunting (ndow.org).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
New Hampshire Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department website at Licenses and Permits | State of New Hampshire Fish and Game (nh.gov).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved vendors.
New Jersey Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife website at Licenses & Permits | Fish & Wildlife (nj.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
New Mexico Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish website at onlinesales.wildlife.state.nm.us
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved vendors.
New York Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website at Permits, Licenses, and Registrations – NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
North Carolina Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission website at ncwildlife.org/licensing/hunting-fishing-trapping-licenses.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
North Dakota Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website at Buy and Apply | North Dakota Game and Fish.
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Select the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Ohio Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website.
- Choose your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Oklahoma Hunting License Procedure:

- Visit the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation website at Licensing | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (wildlifedepartment.com).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Select the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Oregon Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website at Licensing Info | Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (myodfw.com).
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Pennsylvania Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission website at Licenses and Permits (pa.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Select your hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved agents.
Rhode Island Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management website at Online Services | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (ri.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose your hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
South Carolina Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources website at South Carolina SCDNR License – License Home (gooutdoorssouthcarolina.com).
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved agents.
South Dakota Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks website at Hunting and Fishing Licenses | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks (sd.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Tennessee Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website at License and Permit Information (tn.gov).
- Choose your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if necessary.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Texas Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website at Official Online Fishing & Hunting License Sales (texas.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Select the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Utah Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website at wildlife.utah.gov.
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete the hunter education requirement if applicable.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved outlets.
Vermont Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department website at Licenses and Lotteries | Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (vtfishandwildlife.com).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose your hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Virginia Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources website at Buy Licenses & Access Permits | Virginia DWR.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you plan to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved retailers.
Washington Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website at Licenses & Permits | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.
- Choose your hunting license type and any additional tags or permits.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
West Virginia Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources website at Buy a West Virginia Hunting and Fishing License Online : West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (wvdnr.gov).
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and junior licenses.
- Choose your hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from approved agents.
Wisconsin Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website at Permits | Wisconsin DNR.
- Select your hunting license type based on residency and species you intend to hunt.
- Complete any required hunter education.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized vendors.
Wyoming Hunting License Procedure:
- Visit the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website at Wyoming Game and Fish Department – Apply or Buy.
- Explore hunting license options, including resident, non-resident, and youth licenses.
- Choose the hunting license type based on the species and hunting preferences.
- Purchase your hunting license and permits online or from authorized agents.
Online systems are generally more efficient, reducing paperwork and administrative burdens. The process is often streamlined, which can result in quicker turnaround times for processing licenses. These online platforms typically offer various payment methods, including credit cards and electronic transfers, making it easy for you to pay the required fees securely.
After successful completion of the online application, you will often receive instant confirmation, including digital copies of their licenses. This allows for immediate planning of hunting trips.
So good luck with the applications and be sure to have all the information you need ready to make the process much faster than it needs to be.
Also, once you’ve gotten your license and you’re out there hunting, don’t forget to ensure you are following all hunting and safety guidelines and rules. The “Three” Rule of Survival – A Crucial Survival Guide should come in handy for you if you find yourself in a tough spot. You could also check on 11 Best Hunting Knife Sets – A Buyer’s Guide to learn about some of the best knife sets out there for field dressing.
Till next time.